The cash dividends they get from the cash crop would sustain them during the lean season 从经济作物中获得的收益能帮助他们度过不景气的时期。
There were no double-digit cash dividends. ( Typical of many financing rounds, including our own past rounds, there was a nominal 3% dividend for a class of shares.) 不存在两位数的现金股利(跟典型的融资包括我们公司过去几轮融资一样,我们只针对一类股票象征性地发放3%的现金股利)。
Cash dividends, reduce retained earnings and become a current liability when declared. 现金股利,在宣布时将减少保留盈利并成为一项流动负债。
We think companies that pay cash dividends are more careful with shareholders 'capital and have better balance sheets, he says. They need to generate cash and are less likely to do bad mergers and acquisitions. 我们认为,支付现金分红的企业更关注股东的资金,而且资产负债状况更理想,他表示,他们需要产生现金,同时进行糟糕并购的可能性更低。
Unexpected cash dividends have little impact on the earnings signal, which is in consistent with the dividend irrelevance arguments. 现金股利和股票收益之间也没有明显的联系,这和股利不相关理论是一致的。
Cash dividends are distributions of corporate assets made pos-sible by earnings. 现金股利是由于盈利而增加的公司净资产的分配。
According to the theory of the information economics that look on the cash dividends as the method to transport infOrmation, it fOund a new way to measure the subjective risk. 通过对企业把现金分红作为信号传递机制的信息经济学分析,建立了衡量企业主观风险大小的新方式。
A securities company shall, after receiving the cash dividends and interests, timely distribute the cash dividends and interests to the corresponding investors for credit trading. 证券公司收到现金红利和利息款项后,应当及时分派给对应的信用交易投资者。
Interactions between Shareholders 'Balance Mechanism and Level of Listed Companies' Cash Dividends 股权制衡与上市公司派现水平的联动关系研究
Paid cash dividends in the amount of$ 10. 支付现金股利10美元。
When the cost method is used, cash dividends declared on capital stock held as an investment may be recorded as a debit to Dividends Receivable and a credit to Dividend Revenue. 在使用成本法时,所持股本的现金股利一经宣布,投资公司应借记应收股利,贷记股利收入。
Empirical Study on Control Structure and Political Preference of Cash Dividends of Listed Companies 上市公司控制权结构与现金股利政策偏好的实证研究
If a funds manager fails to pay the cash dividends in full before the specified time point, the CompanyCompany will postpone the allotmentdistribution of the cash dividends. 基金管理人未能在规定时点前足额划付现金红利的,本公司将推迟现金红利的派发。
Study on the Cash Dividends Policy of State-Owned Listed Companies around the Ownership Reform 基于股权分置改革国有控股上市公司现金股利政策研究
Buying a railroad is a sound way to gain cash dividends, and broad exposure to companies that need coal and freight, but not to invest in innovation. 收购铁路是一种获得现金股息、与需要煤炭和货运服务的公司建立广泛联系的稳健方式,而不是一种投资于创新的稳健方式。
Before and after the Reform of non-tradable shares, Who direct the Role of Cash Dividends? 股改前后,谁在导演现金股利的角色?
I.For a long-term equity investment measured in the cost method, in accounting, how to treat the cash dividends or profits obtained by an investing enterprise as declared to be paid by an investee? 采用成本法核算的长期股权投资,投资企业取得被投资单位宣告发放的现金股利或利润,应当如何进行会计处理?
The cash dividends of the sellable equity instrument investments shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period when the investee announces the distribution of dividends. 可供出售权益工具投资的现金股利,应当在被投资单位宣告发放股利时计入当期损益。
Stock dividends are not taxable income to the recipient as are cash dividends. 红股与现金红利不同,对收入者没有所得税。
A Research on the Impact of Debt's Corporate Governance over Cash Dividends Policy 债务融资治理效应对现金股利政策影响的研究
Cash dividends are distributions of corporate assets made pos-sible by earnings. The analysis of revenue is done by appling to ROE. 现金股利是由于盈利而增加的公司净资产的分配。对配股进行收益分析,则是运用净资产收益率这一指标展开的。
Large shareholder expropriates through equity financing, cash dividends, assets transactions and mortgages. 大股东通过股权融资、占用资金、现金股利、资产交易、担保等多种方式攫取利益。
The general forms of dividend distribution mainly include cash dividends, property dividends, debt dividends and stock dividends. 常见的股利分配方式主要有现金股利、财产股利、负债股利、股票股利。
Agency cost theory thinks that, relation of agency costs of listed companies and cash dividends is negative correlation. 代理成本理论认为,上市公司的代理成本和现金股利之间存在负相关关系。
Board size and proportion of independent directors not related to the level of cash dividends paid. 董事会规模和独立董事比例与现金股利支付水平不相关。
In China, the way for the listed company to pay dividends includes cash dividends and non-cash dividends. 在我国,上市公司支付股利的形式包括现金股利和非现金股利。
Cash dividends can effectively reduce agency costs and increase the profit of investors. 通过现金分红可以有效减少代理成本,增加投资者利益。
Essentially, Cash dividends give investors a convenient opportunity to reconfigure their assets. 通过现金分红,投资者实质上拥有了一次便捷的重新配置资产的机会。
Six refused to assume the debt ratio had no effect on the fund in cash dividends. 拒绝假设六,负债比率对基金现金分红没有影响。
But the top five shareholders shows negative correlation with the cash dividends per share. 但其中前五大股东比例之和与每股现金股利负相关。